The Old Library of NCKU



tainan, taiwan

Oct. 2019

National Cheng Kung University

QUE architects

design principal
Szu-an Yu


成大舊總圖書館以代表未知與實驗性的 “X” 為核心概念,透過不同於一般的樓層命名,回應場所個性;同時指標作為建築的一部分,延伸至關鍵的建築元素上,打造新的空間形象。

The Old Library of NCKU adopted the “X” as core concept, breaking away the conventional floor-naming rules, to demonstrate the character of the space. As part of the building, the wayfinding system was expanded onto key architectural elements, forming a new temperament for the place.

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 “X” 核心概念的延伸

屬台灣戰後現代主義的成大舊總圖書館,在登錄為歷史建築後,經建築修復、室內改造,於2019年秋天作為多用途空間開幕啟用,設有未來銀行、展覽、演講及教學空間。在指標系統的設計上,我們以校方提出的代表未知與實驗性的 “X” 為核心概念,若隱若現地將圖像延伸至建築元素中,並以鮮明的藍綠色及桃紅色,點出兩道在具結構意義的關鍵性牆面的同時,創造視覺焦點,打造新的空間形象。

The Old Library of NCKU, a post-war modernist building, was reopened as a multi-purpose venue in the Fall of 2019. After being registered as a historical building, the architecture was restored and the interior remodeled to enable housing spaces for exhibitions, lectures, and teaching, as well as a Future Bank. In the design of the wayfinding system, we adopted the X, proposed by the school to signify the unknown and experimentation, as the core concept. The pattern of X was extended subtly into the architectural elements. The salient teal and fuchsia colors were employed to highlight two structurally significant walls while framing a visual focal point to generate a novel impression for the interior space.

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另一方面,也企圖提出更有個性樓層命名方式:一棟建築物的樓層索引,就像書本的目錄一樣,看的是一個地方的骨架;樓層數單純的未來館,作為一個多用途、創新的教學活動場所,不以慣用的數字編排,而是直接以 “X” 當作第三樓層的名稱,回應成大第十學院(College X)的未來規劃及期待。

In addition, an innovative floor naming system was proposed. The floor directory in one building read like the table of contents of a book, showing the outline of the place. The Future Venue, a multipurpose, innovative venue for teaching activities with few floors, forwent the conventional number to adopt X as the name of the third floor. It is a direct response to the expectation of NCKU's College X to innovate and escape convention.

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Ayusai Visitor Center


LMES Affiliate Preschool