Li-ming Elementary School Affiliated Preschool
Taichung, Taiwan
Feb 2021
Li-ming Elementary School
Office AAA
design principal
Szu-an Yu
The sun rising from the horizon
"The sun rising from the horizon" and the various elements from mother nature itself was the major storyline; from the ocean, the grassland, the forests, the breeze, the clouds, the rainbow, to the blue sky, together they form a miniature world that revolves around the sun.
The wayfinding system for the Li-ming Elementary School Affiliated Preschool includes tailor-made identity design for the preschool, as well as a proposition for names of the classes. With "the sun rising from the horizon" as the starting point and taking cues from mother nature itself, we hoped to use the height of the floors to allude to the different altitudes of the various natural elements while also setting each classrooms apart; from the ocean, the grassland, to the forests; from the breeze, the clouds, the rainbow, to the blue sky, together they form a miniature world that revolves around the sun.
The design of the signage reflects the prominent use of geometric shapes in the architecture and uses circles and parallelograms for all signs. The color system also syncs with the personality of the architecture, adopting yellow as its main color and blue and white as supplementary colors to bring together the system. The multi-layered design of the sign panel gives a delicate impression of depth while harmoniously pairing yellow with the colors of the natural elements.